Posted in Check-ins, Job Growth

Want something? Work “smard” to earn it.

* Check-in Post *

Smart work + hard work = “SMARD” work.

They say, if you want something, you need to work hard for it. And if you don’t work hard enough, then you don’t want it bad enough.

Due to reasons beyond anyone’s control, I can’t be officially recognized or appreciated. That isn’t the only problem though. Promotion cycles have become tricky for me due to this situation. For the past two years, I’ve been working hard, and giving it my all, the best I could. I’ve garnered a few good friends who could vouch for my work ethic. But the effort is all moot until I can actually see some results out there.

Today, however, I’ve been pushed beyond the threshold of tolerance. It’s a moment I want to capture in my growth journal because I’m done not working smard for a goal I’ve been trying to achieve since forever.

It’s been 8 months since I started my job prep and slow job search, and it’s getting me frustrated as I’m in an uncomfortable situation at work, and I’m also trying to switch jobs and I have been getting constantly rejected. It’s that moment of helplessness where I feel stranded between a situation that nobody can do anything about even though they want to and not being able to clear interviews despite trying .

So today, even though it’s 12 AM, I’m studying. If I can put in late hours to get some office work done, I can do that for my job search.

I can totally do this!

Wish me luck!

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