Posted in Random Thoughts

What it really means to manifest your dreams

I found a toe ring in the middle of the beach which I lost while playing frisbee. I was so sure I would find it, I literally dug through the sand, not because of me, but through my friend who was demonstrating how I wouldn’t find it, and ended up finding the toe-ring for me. As funny and unbelievable as this sounds, this was me manifesting my dream. My dream of finding my accessory.

I thought about it real hard, and read so many blogs about what it really means. I watched a ton of YouTube videos, and now have come up with my own definition of what manifesting a dream really means.

It’s basically this one thing: if you keep consistently working at something, you are bound to reach your goal. Want that high paying job? Keep studying and interviewing. You’ll get it. Want to get viral on Instagram? Keep posting reels, and you’ll get there one day. Want to lose ten pounds? Eat healthy and work out. You’ll eventually lose it.

A lot of influencers out there encourage creating powerful morning routines baked in positivity. You should think you can do it. It’s so important to believe. Believe in yourself. because only your belief will get you through. Believe, because it keeps you going and consistent. Believe, because you can trick your brain into achieving great things. The phrase “fake it till you make it” is popular for a reason.

Well, that’s it for my random thought of the day! What do you think? Have you tried manifesting your dreams? Do you have a success story? I’m working on one too many dreams, and hope to share a manifested dream soon! 😉

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